Monday, January 17, 2011

tHe Y piLL

I am sure everybody knows about the I pill which is so called the emergency pill and is taken incase  of any goof ups. Well keeping that in mind i want to mention the Y pill ( yoga pill). No it is not smthg that you have to eat but smthg which you have to do.
In our day to day life we do goof up in the sense we do pull a muscle here and there. Bad posture can lead to bad back. Sitting on the chair staring at the comp for hrs  leads to stiff neck.Our poor school teachers can land up with frozen shoulders due to hundreds of corrections they have to do per day. like this there are many instances where unknowingly we harm ourselves.
Here what comes in handy is the Y pill which is few yoga asanas if done with guidance can bring you some relief . Ah ... Do i see a smile on those lips. We all hate to eat medicines but yoga is a sweet medicine which is done externally. so below are few asanas which can be done if some emergency arises....
1. Backache- setubandhasana or pawanmukthasana or bhujangasana
2.Neck pain-brahma mudra
3. Knee pain- tadasana. vrikshasana
4. Frozen shoulders- Parvatasana, gomukhasana. garudhasana

 These are just few practices one can do in emergency, but taking the Y pill on regular basis ( like a multivitamin) will give you a healthy mind and body.

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