Saturday, January 15, 2011


Oh how we all want to get rid of that extra flab below our navel. we try try try hoping to succeed. God knows how desperately we want a flat tummy . we love to wear tight dresses but the sight of that fat sticking out is such a put off.. Flat tummy is not impossible but its a huge task and one needs to devote couple of HRS working out. With our routine lives we should be thankful to be able to devote 1 hr for the workout.
So lets be realistic, never mind about having a flat belly lets work on toning the flab which is hanging and looks ugly.
Not gonna get into the depth of boring the readers but few yoga postures can work wonders for paunchy, BUT done on regular basis it will show results. Come on nothing comes free now , effort needs to be put in..
So here we go... asanas like naukasana, ardha naukasana, ardha halasana with variations and hastapadasana will help in toning the "paunch" but one has maintain the postures for min 30 sec and do it repeatedly.
After doing the asanas one should do pawanmukhtasana to relax the lower back.
Naukasana ( The Boat Pose)

So folks good luck in fighting that wretched paunch... ciao..

1 comment:

  1. JANUARY 15, 2011

    Seeking Strong, Not Sculpted, Abs

    In the western way of thinking, hard, flat abdominal muscles are the embodiment of a healthy physique. While strong, toned core muscles support good body health, it may not be as important as Western culture would lead us to believe.

    Too much belly fat is unhealthy. However, working too hard to eliminate fat can also cause serious problems. For the 10 percent of us who are actually capable of acquiring them, six-pack abs come at a price—reduced flexibility and freedom of movement. Women who work the abs too much can suffer estrogen depletion, bone weakness, and fractures. Overdoing abs exercises can also lead to a flattening of the lumbar curve, creating a weakened spinal structure.

    Hence, yoga asanas are the best way to go for it.

    source : Daily Insight ( Yoga Journal)
