Saturday, December 17, 2011

Happy Birthday Bosky!

Hey you beautiful people out there this is one of Bosky's yoga student and this is a birthday tribute to my awesome yoga teacher ;-)

Sorry for breaking in on your blog ....

But for all its worth "Happy Birthday" ...

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Har Ek DoGGiE Zaroori HoTa Hai!!!

Last night I saw an amazing dog movie "Red" a very simple story of an old man and his dog called RED...  some evil teenagers come along and kill his dog without any reason just for fun and it shows this old man struggling tirelessly to get justice for his best friend and soulmate ... I felt the movie tugging at my heart strings all the time and as unashamed tears ran down my face I decided to dedicate this post to all those furry friends who have touched my life in the most special way and taught me the true meaning of unconditional love ...

As today I realize that the only way I can measure the value of my life is by valuing that of others especially these of loving beings who only love...

the first one goes to the love of my life princess...

my soulmate ...will love you forever baby...

BAILEYS when she was a kiddo

Introducing my street fighter COCO


princess u r too naughty...

Hey u beautiful people out there this blog post is dedicated to all your beautiful furry friends out there all those who have loved ..lost and conjured up the courage to love again....

Also to some amazing heart warming dog stories like Lassie Come Home ( a dog's tale of homecoming after having left in another country) Hachi ( a true story of a dog who waited for 10 years at a railway station each and every day of his life waiting for his deceased master , till he himself  passed away).... Beethoven ( a loving doggie comedy) My dog skip ( an amazing tale of a boy growing up years where his dog helps him to be a fine young man ) and finally to Chillar Party where a group of kids fight a politician to save a cute street dog "Bidhu"

And I also raise a toast to a pose called "Downward facing dog"... :-)

Do share with me if you have any loving or heart-warming pet stories or experiences ...I would love to hear them...

Courtsey : A friendly ghost passerby 

Saturday, November 5, 2011

The blogger's park

Just now the microwave winked at me 11:11 and reminded me 'the blogger is still parked' ...with my yogi chai boiling inside and jim jam biscuits  inspiring me here i am jinx broken... I am referring to my writer's block which kept me from updating my blog took me 24 movies awesomely detoxifying Sri Lankan holiday with off-the mat yoga and my winking microwave to break my block.

With so many predictions about 11.11.11. to the likes of Aishwarya Rai Bachhan's baby arriving on that date , Ranbir Kapoor's Rockstar movie releasing and an amazing Kundalini yoga music festival in Rishikesh I have been really intrigued enough to write about it...

But the truth is 11:11 has always fascinated me ...

Numerologically speaking, you can take any number that appears in your life and sum up the digits. If you end up with a number greater than 11, keep re-summing the digits until you’re at 11 or less.

The fascinating thing about 11:11 is that it runs backwards and forwards through one’s life. So when you first start noticing the 11s in your life, you’ll find they run through your past as well as your present and future.

When I was first exposed to this idea, I thought I was going nuts because it seemed that my whole life was infested with these hidden 11s. It seemed like a crazy conspiracy.

In addition to the numbers, you’ll see the time 11:11 on the clock disturbingly often. Sometimes I will suddenly look up at a clock and notice this time twice a day for several days in a row. It’s rare that more than a few days go by without my noticing an 11:11 on a clock somewhere. In fact, I just went to the kitchen to grab a snack while writing this article, and there was 11:11am winking at me from the clock on the microwave.

 I  am born at 11:11am.  

And that's a hard one to ignore

But hey all beautiful people out there do let me where will you be on 11.11.11.?

As for me ,I will be @ Cinemax lounge watching "Rockstar".


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Stylish Rajnikant's Sunglasses

No points for guessing... that's the Imran Khan T-shirt form the recent side-splitter Delhi-Belly.

While the Indian Cinema just shot up an inch in the department of boldness, I have to admit that I thoroughly enjoyed the movie, it was totally hilarious including the funky energy clothing in the movie that lent it its unique slapstick character.

Talking of clothes have you wondered isn't it amazing that how wearing that "perfect outfit" or even a casual "tastefully weird T-shirt" adds that extra oomph to your personality and lends a chirpy spring to your walk ;-) it happens na? yeah to me too ...

Well, last weekend I was at a very close friend's launch of designer wear studio and as I was going through the ensemble of talent there I wondered ... How about designing my own yoga clothing ... I mean I know there is some awesome stuff out there but how about some very personalized yoga clothing?

I mean haven't you ever thought about designing your own yoga t-shirts, yoga pants or even yoga mats? If I was to ask you what did your mat say to you today... what would be your answer? I would love to hear it...

On some days , during those challenging ground-facing poses or even a when I am trying to hold a plank for that extra time , I wish my mat spoke back to me saying 'don't give up now"... or"just 5 more breaths" some times I even think of sticking that on my mat.

Wouldn't it be great to have a yoga mat that truly believes in you? 

Anyways do let me know what would design for your yoga? For me perhaps it would be a t-shirt soft, breathable, indigo, that doesn't shrink, doesn't stain, doesn't shrink and says " A Rose by any other Namaste" ;-)( 100 points for guessing that one) or "I don't teach yoga , I align spines :-)

I would love to know your favorite ones...


Saturday, August 6, 2011

The art of cooking sideways ;-) A yoga teacher's recipe of "happy'

a cake that i baked

a special recipe for special friends

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Dear Mat... ( Confessions of a yoga teacher )

tick tock tick tock tick tock
(eyes on the clock )
tick tock tick tock tick tock
breathe in, breathe out ...hold hold the pose ...hold it now don't sink ..hold hold hold....
(eyes again on the clock)
at the end of an exceptionally long day full of back-beaking routine.
Dog-tired. In my 7:20 pm class

Dear Mat,

I have a confession to make ...
I am going to ahead and admit that on some days I just don't want to teach. I know I am always supposed to be that chirpy happy yogini who would rather chop an arm off than miss a yoga class, let alone miss an opportunity to make someone else's day brighter through a yoga lesson. But you know what, on some days it feels so mechanical, that the bright light of love and healing cannot shine through. And I begin to wonder.

its 8:20 pm. finally class is over. I say goodnight to my members. 

one of them walks up to me , smiles at me ( eyes shining with gratitude) and says" Thank you Bosky ... you have made such a difference to my life, helped me understand my body better.

Suddenly all frustration comes to screeching halt. I feel lighter and satisfaction starts creeping in. I feel a twitching on my lips. I am smiling.

Then I am almost skipping on my way back to my car as I feel so purposeful because another member just said 'it was a wonderful class' and I will be back for more. Just like  every new student almost feels like a gift, satisfaction and well-being of my existing ones is my reward.

so dear mat ... 

I take a bow in gratitude and thank you and god for giving me a purpose in life by giving me an opportunity to touch so many people's life positively. I am grateful to my members for placing their trust in me. 

I thank you dear Mat for reminding me why I come back to teach everyday and I thank all my members from the bottom of my heart as I dedicate this blog post them as I give a personal message for each and every one of them " As you gain a thing or two from my classes, I ,for certain always  gain so much from you. And I hope to continue giving you all a great yoga experience in each and every yoga journey we embark on together".

"It's not the asanas that will change your life. It's the courage you bring to your practice that will change your life." 
Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

August Rush

As I rush through this mad frenzy called "Life'... from one day to another ...from one yoga pose another ...from one life's lesson to another ... 

Running through errands and daily chores i  buy dog-food for my beautiful dogs ... I smile to myself and think August is here ... and life is the same mad rush... August a month where we raise a toast to one of life's most beautiful gift 

I reflect back on the last 5 years of my life and think what an amazing friend my "yoga mat " has been to me ... I also 
feel blessed when i think about all those awesome beings of my life who have been such lovely friends and contributed to who I am today...

So, an ode from the heart to August and to "Friendship"

I shot an arrow into the air,
It fell to earth, I knew not where;
For, so swiftly it flew, the sight
Could not follow it in its flight.

I breathed a song into the air,
It fell to earth, I knew not where;
For who has sight so keen and strong,
That it can follow the flight of song?

Long, long afterward, in an oak
I found the arrow, still unbroke;
And the song, from beginning to end,
I found again in the heart of a friend. 

(H.W. longfellow)

So, to you all beautiful people out there ...wishing you a happy friendship month

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Just like forgive, forget and try again ... GOODBYE IS JUST ANOTHER WORD

There's nothing that's so final about leaving
Even though I know that's what you've heard
Just like forgive, forget and try again
Goodbye is just another word.

This post is dedicated to all those who have had to bid "goodbye" to a loved one ...

"Don't be dismayed at goodbyes, a farewell is necessary before you can meet again and meeting again, after moments or lifetimes, is certain for those who are friends or 
soul mates."
                                                                     - Richard Bach

But in reality there are no goodbyes, and if we ever have to bid a goodbye at all, let it be only to our demons and fears. 
Life always goes in a full circle , there are no ends.

Sometimes it is so heartening to suddenly see a old member come back to my class after an unexplained long gap and just as i have mentally written them off , one fine morning, I suddenly see the person, I am treated to a pleasant surprise. I may in turn treat the person to a stern "where have you been for so long" look. But, inside I am smiling and wink to myself (there are no goodbyes, also wondering if they are gonna disappear again). Life is a circle .

So leaving you all to enjoy your weekend with some lines for a furry friend who indeed sneaked off in the night:

If you feel the time is right
And you sneak off in the night
And live out all those stories in your head
When your shiny knight goes home
And you're left there all alone
And you need a friend remember what I said.

There is nothing that's so final about leaving , goodbye is just another word.

The Rainmaker ( confessions of a friendly ghost of a yoga teacher )

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Objects in the mirror are closer than they appear

Sometimes when you hear a "crash" its not broken glass or a broken window pane , its just life.  Its just then you realise that there is something much bigger than faith, courage and belief and that is hope...

Sometimes when i look at my yoga mat I see a magic carpet and again that hope creeps in promising to take me into that enchanted world where there is no fear of loss only love and that is when I embark on a beautiful journey inwards.

To all you beautiful people out there ... if you have trouble dealing with a tiff, loss, grudge or even anxiety try taking a plunge into yourself, try meditating. 

I have an amazing reflection on this from an amazing blog that I follow:

This is why i meditate today. In order to remind myself that who i am is deeper than a grudge, deeper than who’s to blame, deeper than the temptation to judge. Deeper than all the stuff I get right and all of the stuff I get wrong. Deeper than success and failure. Deeper than most of what goes on all day long.
Who i really am hums with a different crowd: with love, peace, good will, compassion, beauty everywhere i look, and peace.
When i don’t meditate, i fight my grudges.
When i do meditate, i remember who i am and wrap my grudges in love until they look like love inside and out.
Is that reason enough to meditate?

quote unquote

Meditating is a positive energy that also gives our hopes a pair of wings, and you never know whatever you were hoping for, may even come true  :-)

A prayer to God
A friendly ghost

Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Butterfly Effect

Would you believe me, if I told you that the wings of a butterfly flapping in Bali have an effect on the Gulf Coast tornados in North America?

It's true this is the incredible “Butterfly Effect” – the idea used in the chaos theory that even a very small seemingly insignificant thing done by us today may lead to monumentally world-changing event tomorrow.

But you know “The Butterfly Effect” is actually happening in our lives on a daily basis. Our actions could be affecting others in ways unknown to us. Even though we may never know the exact effect of our words and action, it is pretty fascinating to just give it some thought. We can never know who is being hurt or benefiting from something that we do…  Just imagine for example a simple “smile”  instead of glaring angrily at the driver of the car who was not able to give you space to overtake, you just smile at him and in turn he feels a relief from a maybe 5 hour of road rage he may have been suffering from , he calms down and maybe , just maybe you saved a possible catastrophe on the road , where someone could have lost a very near and dear one forever. You just saved a life. Well done!  Keep smiling …

Similarly when it comes to the mat or matless world of yoga as we incorporate the practice in our daily life, while the postures, the breathing exercises, the detoxifying vinyasa flow brings about a tangible benefit to our bodies, it also energizes our energy bodies lifting our spirits and cleansing ourselves of all our physical, mental and spiritual toxins, hence making the world a better and cleaner place.

So to all you beautiful people out there .. we are all agents of change. Our words and actions never stop with us. We are all affected because we are all connected. 

 The universe is like that, light pouring into light, love increasing, the awareness of connection growing wider and wider until inside is outside and outside is inside, and all we are left with is miracles.

Ghostwriter ( Spelling correction : Guest writer)

Monday, July 18, 2011

Raindrops keep falling on my head, and giving me a reason for...

The first drops of rain always bring a smile on our faces. The smell of wet soil, the damp grass, and the slosh of puddles under our feet make us want to dance with wanton joy. Rains make a heart go romantic. Ever danced in the rain? The feeling is inexplicably beautiful. Hold your sweetheart's hand and walk in the rains while the clouds play cupid.

we all just love this weather, the whole city looks washed and pune looks beautiful this time. It's green all around and the plants look so happy, the sun keeps on playing hide and seek with the clouds.... Oh it's breath taking.
On a personal note this weather makes me curl up in the bed and just vegetate. Or I would love to sit by my bay window with a book and soft music playing in the background and me watching the raindrops on my window like tiny drops of pearls . The mere thought of it makes me smile.
It's such a satisfying feeling just to be by yourself ....ok now I am getting into a dreamy mode , but what to do it is just so therapeutic.
One more thing a hot cuppa tea with this ambience is like icing on the cake .
So folks go enjoy this romantic weather .

Friday, May 13, 2011


Few days back it was mothers day and fortunately for me i managed to spend it with my mom.And then i was just thinking that why do we do exercise ?? Exercise activates the happy hormones, makes us feel good, well so does momasana. You must be wondering what is MOM - ASANA. well its the warm tender loving care (TLC) one gets only from our mothers. Her loving hug takes away all our aches pains worries stress.
Doing yoga continuously cures us from all the pains and aches well doesnt a mother do that.....
I think each one of us need our mothers in every stage of our lives whether we are 5, 10, 13, 16, 18, 21, 26, 30 etc...this is one need that can never be fulfilled , we always want more... 
So go ahead guys go do the mom asana everyday.. make your and her day.

P.S. The mother loves her child most divinely, not when she surrounds him with comfort and anticipates his wants, but when she resolutely holds him to the highest standards and is content with nothing less than his best.
- Hamilton Wright Mabie

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Is One hr a day tooooo much????

Oh my maid. is not coming, my child is sick, kids have an off today, got house guests, oh had a late night., not a morning person, just plain lazzyyyy, i rather watch the match... EXCUSES EXCUSES EXCUSES.. People people 1hr a day is all i ask you to take out from your 24hrs for YOURSELF.
A couple of rounds of suryanamaskar , say 12 of them which hardly take few mins followed by few asanas and ending with relaxation and pranayam( breathing exercise) will make your happy hormones activated.
Ladies you are always multitasking. Can you imagine your family life will be up side down if u r not well . Your kids , husband , in laws. job is not yr priority  ...YOU ARE...  So go and make yr self 1st on that list. A healthier fitter charged you is better in control of all the day to day things. 

And men pls we dont want that waist expanding or you returning home lethargic from work. Your family waits for you to come home and take them out or spend time with them, not for u to lie on the couch with the remote in yr hand then u rather stay at work right !!!.
Well the moral of the whole write up is that take action for yrself now. PLEASE get to do some yoga. if not yoga then some exercise to move those joints , to pump fresh blood to all the corners of your body.. otherwise folks old age will be tough on you and nah we done want that.
So start utilizing your lungs to the maximum... LUNGS are god gifted and best part is that air is free :) 
otherwise we keep looking for free stuff  :p

i hope by the end of this article there is some action taking place.. 
happy stretching

Thursday, April 7, 2011

breath of life.....................

hi all

just wanted to share this link with u. the book itself is very enlightening pls grab a copy...

enjoy breathing,


click on the link below.

The Breath of Life - Interview in Pune Mirror today -

Monday, March 14, 2011

Any Type is My Type............

Lot of  times my members ask me the question that "what yoga will suit my body". As a matter of fact i get this question outside too.
There are different types of yoga , whether its Hatha yoga, Ashtanga yoga, Patanjali yoga, Bikram yoga, Iyengar yoga etc. and they all have one ultimate goal that is to unify the body , mind and soul. It doesn't matter which type of yoga one chooses but what is important is that you have decided to take that one step to do YOGA "Your Own Great Awareness.
Personally i feel that compared to any form of physical exercises ,yoga is the most effective , beautiful practices that stays with you even if you are 80yrs old. Best part is that there are no restrictions to it, no age limit to it. Kids to adults one and all can do this life long practice.
Beauty of yoga is that it works every organ, gland, nerve tendon, ligament and muscle in the whole body. It expands your capacity to breathe deeply and fully. It improves your digestive , respiratory , circulatory and nervous system. And the best part is that it makes one loose or gain weight by correcting ones whole system from inside. It tells yr body what needs to be corrected so our hormonal system functions correctly. PHEW!!!
What more can we ask for . right!!
So folks don't sit and ponder on which type to do believe me all type will suit you just listen to your mind and body.. Let the link be established and watch your body change for the better...
p.s. "The yoga mat is a good place to turn when talk therapy and antidepressants aren't enough." ~ Amy Weintraub

Friday, February 18, 2011

A quick word...

They are 21 days old and becoming more and more adorable by each day, dont know what more to say , check it out yrself.. uploading some video.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Hi friends, 
lately  i have not been able to blog as most of my time is consumed in looking after the pups. Yes my cocker spaniel has delivered 6 beautiful pups. It was amazing to watch her deliver.. miracle of birth.
anyways just wanted to share my experience with you.. just a few lines.

Watching pups is the most amazing thing.. like life's small pleasures . i felt doing yoga can teach u patience but watching these pups for hrs has taught me patience too . They are just 7 days old, eyes and ears are still shut, but its amazing how can they find their way to milk.. Their cute antics amaze me.. and boy they can be feeding on her non stop. Cant wait for them to open their eyes .... 

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Most of the time when new members come for  class they have one fav question " Will i be able to do the head stand( shirshasana) one day is if am regular". ( atleast 8 out of 10 ask me this). I have no idea what is this fascination people have this posture??? 
Folks doing shirshasana is not the ultimate goal of  yoga. Everybody is not physically fit or healthy do such a challenging and powerful posture. One need s to approach this posture with utmost care and precaution.

People do have few ailments that can prevent them from attempting this posture, but this should not discourage them from doing yoga completely. There are other postures which one can attempt which are less challenging and the benefits are almost the SAME. I m sure that bought a smile on yr face.
So the posture which one can attempt are: Sarvangasana, Hastapadasana, Parvatasna.
The benefits are alsmost similar
a) Strengthens and Massages the Lungs
Due to gravity, the lower parts of the lungs receive more fluids which cause the tissue in the lower lungs to be more condensed. As a result, when we inhale air moves more freely to the upper part of the lungs. When we invert, blood moves to the upper part of the lungs facilitating a more efficient oxygen-blood exchange. Also, the weight of the internal organs massages the lungs increasing vital capacity as the lungs learn to breathe against the added weight.
b) Strengthens the Immune System
helps improve the circulation and drainage of lymphatic fluid. The lymphatic system is composed of one-way valves that keep the lymph fluid moving towards the heart. Turning upside down helps to stimulate the entire system and facilitate the movement of lymphatic fluid from the lower extremities.
c)Stimulates the Endocrine System
Practicing headstand stimulates the pineal and pituitary glands which are important in regulating cell metabolism.
d)Flow of the oxygentated blood to the Head
fresh oxygenated blood flows more freely from the heart to the brain. The brain receives a greater amount of blood than normal for a fixed period of time.  This helps rejuvenate the neurons and guard against atrophy. 
e)Stimulates the Digestive System 
Inversions increases digestive fire boosting energy and increasing body heat. Internal organs, particularly the intestines, are cleansed by reversing the pull of gravity and releasing congested blood in the colon.
f)Increases Stamina and Strength and Promotes Good Posture
builds strength in the neck and shoulders as well as the abdominals and upper spine.

I am sure after going thru this yr aim of doing yoga should have changed .Alternative postures are always there in yoga to give the same benefits . So what are you waiting for ??? Get up sign in for that yoga class and see your body transform

p.s. Anyone who practices can obtain success in yoga but not one who is lazy.  Constant practice alone is the secret of success.  ~Svatmarama, Hatha Yoga Pradipika

Friday, January 21, 2011

WE aint no SAINT

Y do people have a  misconception of yoga teachers as being some kind of "saints" who only can preach and have high morals values etc.. cm on folks we too are human being just like you all.
We do love to party, enjoy movies, dance all night long... basically "freak out". Just because one takes yoga as a profession doesn't mean that one has given small pleasures of life .. we teachers love getting pampered too :).
We don't sit all day in a room meditating and doing asanas or preaching gyan .. Our life jumps back to normal once we step out of the class.
One funny instance i must mention here as an eg. I was out one night with friends as it was a girlie night, at a well known pub in the city. Spirits were high and we girls were having a blast dancing to the commercial music whether it was munni or Sheila . Knocked those heels off so we were more comfortable dancing for a longer time :) painting the place red leaving all are worries and stress aside. 
As i was enjoying thoroughly i cudnt help notice a group of youngsters staring at me on and off  with confusion. On our way out as it was past 1am one of the girls came up to me and asked " excuse me, are you the yoga instructor "bosky" who takes Power Yoga class at so and so place " . I with a big grin said YES I M . the look on her face was priceless more of a semi shock. Believe me for few secs it made me feel like gosh i am not suppose to be here , a guilt pang swept over me.But the phase lasted only for 2 to 3 Min's.
As i take numerous classes i definitely can t keep a track of the members who attend my batches so i was clueless that they were my students.But what the heck its better that way that we teachers don't recognize as whether we like it or not we get on our guard...
Coming back to the point that guys pls don't get surprised seeing as in a different avatar with our finery's as you all are only used to seeing us in our yoga clothes... ( we can wear sleeveless and short dresses).

Ending off as an instructor by saying i would love to see my members enjoy the yoga sessions with utmost passion and dedication. Believe Me your mind and body with be thankful to you . 
cheers gdnt.

p.s. For me, yoga is not just a workout - it's about working on yourself.  ~Mary Glover

Monday, January 17, 2011

tHe Y piLL

I am sure everybody knows about the I pill which is so called the emergency pill and is taken incase  of any goof ups. Well keeping that in mind i want to mention the Y pill ( yoga pill). No it is not smthg that you have to eat but smthg which you have to do.
In our day to day life we do goof up in the sense we do pull a muscle here and there. Bad posture can lead to bad back. Sitting on the chair staring at the comp for hrs  leads to stiff neck.Our poor school teachers can land up with frozen shoulders due to hundreds of corrections they have to do per day. like this there are many instances where unknowingly we harm ourselves.
Here what comes in handy is the Y pill which is few yoga asanas if done with guidance can bring you some relief . Ah ... Do i see a smile on those lips. We all hate to eat medicines but yoga is a sweet medicine which is done externally. so below are few asanas which can be done if some emergency arises....
1. Backache- setubandhasana or pawanmukthasana or bhujangasana
2.Neck pain-brahma mudra
3. Knee pain- tadasana. vrikshasana
4. Frozen shoulders- Parvatasana, gomukhasana. garudhasana

 These are just few practices one can do in emergency, but taking the Y pill on regular basis ( like a multivitamin) will give you a healthy mind and body.