Sometimes when you hear a "crash" its not broken glass or a broken window pane , its just life. Its just then you realise that there is something much bigger than faith, courage and belief and that is hope...
Sometimes when i look at my yoga mat I see a magic carpet and again that hope creeps in promising to take me into that enchanted world where there is no fear of loss only love and that is when I embark on a beautiful journey inwards.
To all you beautiful people out there ... if you have trouble dealing with a tiff, loss, grudge or even anxiety try taking a plunge into yourself, try meditating.
I have an amazing reflection on this from an amazing blog that I follow:
This is why i meditate today. In order to remind myself that who i am is deeper than a grudge, deeper than who’s to blame, deeper than the temptation to judge. Deeper than all the stuff I get right and all of the stuff I get wrong. Deeper than success and failure. Deeper than most of what goes on all day long.
Who i really am hums with a different crowd: with love, peace, good will, compassion, beauty everywhere i look, and peace.
When i don’t meditate, i fight my grudges.
When i do meditate, i remember who i am and wrap my grudges in love until they look like love inside and out.
Is that reason enough to meditate?
quote unquote
Meditating is a positive energy that also gives our hopes a pair of wings, and you never know whatever you were hoping for, may even come true :-)
A prayer to God
A friendly ghost
love it - thanks :)