Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Most of the time when new members come for  class they have one fav question " Will i be able to do the head stand( shirshasana) one day is if am regular". ( atleast 8 out of 10 ask me this). I have no idea what is this fascination people have this posture??? 
Folks doing shirshasana is not the ultimate goal of  yoga. Everybody is not physically fit or healthy do such a challenging and powerful posture. One need s to approach this posture with utmost care and precaution.

People do have few ailments that can prevent them from attempting this posture, but this should not discourage them from doing yoga completely. There are other postures which one can attempt which are less challenging and the benefits are almost the SAME. I m sure that bought a smile on yr face.
So the posture which one can attempt are: Sarvangasana, Hastapadasana, Parvatasna.
The benefits are alsmost similar
a) Strengthens and Massages the Lungs
Due to gravity, the lower parts of the lungs receive more fluids which cause the tissue in the lower lungs to be more condensed. As a result, when we inhale air moves more freely to the upper part of the lungs. When we invert, blood moves to the upper part of the lungs facilitating a more efficient oxygen-blood exchange. Also, the weight of the internal organs massages the lungs increasing vital capacity as the lungs learn to breathe against the added weight.
b) Strengthens the Immune System
helps improve the circulation and drainage of lymphatic fluid. The lymphatic system is composed of one-way valves that keep the lymph fluid moving towards the heart. Turning upside down helps to stimulate the entire system and facilitate the movement of lymphatic fluid from the lower extremities.
c)Stimulates the Endocrine System
Practicing headstand stimulates the pineal and pituitary glands which are important in regulating cell metabolism.
d)Flow of the oxygentated blood to the Head
fresh oxygenated blood flows more freely from the heart to the brain. The brain receives a greater amount of blood than normal for a fixed period of time.  This helps rejuvenate the neurons and guard against atrophy. 
e)Stimulates the Digestive System 
Inversions increases digestive fire boosting energy and increasing body heat. Internal organs, particularly the intestines, are cleansed by reversing the pull of gravity and releasing congested blood in the colon.
f)Increases Stamina and Strength and Promotes Good Posture
builds strength in the neck and shoulders as well as the abdominals and upper spine.

I am sure after going thru this yr aim of doing yoga should have changed .Alternative postures are always there in yoga to give the same benefits . So what are you waiting for ??? Get up sign in for that yoga class and see your body transform

p.s. Anyone who practices can obtain success in yoga but not one who is lazy.  Constant practice alone is the secret of success.  ~Svatmarama, Hatha Yoga Pradipika

Friday, January 21, 2011

WE aint no SAINT

Y do people have a  misconception of yoga teachers as being some kind of "saints" who only can preach and have high morals values etc.. cm on folks we too are human being just like you all.
We do love to party, enjoy movies, dance all night long... basically "freak out". Just because one takes yoga as a profession doesn't mean that one has given small pleasures of life .. we teachers love getting pampered too :).
We don't sit all day in a room meditating and doing asanas or preaching gyan .. Our life jumps back to normal once we step out of the class.
One funny instance i must mention here as an eg. I was out one night with friends as it was a girlie night, at a well known pub in the city. Spirits were high and we girls were having a blast dancing to the commercial music whether it was munni or Sheila . Knocked those heels off so we were more comfortable dancing for a longer time :) painting the place red leaving all are worries and stress aside. 
As i was enjoying thoroughly i cudnt help notice a group of youngsters staring at me on and off  with confusion. On our way out as it was past 1am one of the girls came up to me and asked " excuse me, are you the yoga instructor "bosky" who takes Power Yoga class at so and so place " . I with a big grin said YES I M . the look on her face was priceless more of a semi shock. Believe me for few secs it made me feel like gosh i am not suppose to be here , a guilt pang swept over me.But the phase lasted only for 2 to 3 Min's.
As i take numerous classes i definitely can t keep a track of the members who attend my batches so i was clueless that they were my students.But what the heck its better that way that we teachers don't recognize as whether we like it or not we get on our guard...
Coming back to the point that guys pls don't get surprised seeing as in a different avatar with our finery's as you all are only used to seeing us in our yoga clothes... ( we can wear sleeveless and short dresses).

Ending off as an instructor by saying i would love to see my members enjoy the yoga sessions with utmost passion and dedication. Believe Me your mind and body with be thankful to you . 
cheers gdnt.

p.s. For me, yoga is not just a workout - it's about working on yourself.  ~Mary Glover

Monday, January 17, 2011

tHe Y piLL

I am sure everybody knows about the I pill which is so called the emergency pill and is taken incase  of any goof ups. Well keeping that in mind i want to mention the Y pill ( yoga pill). No it is not smthg that you have to eat but smthg which you have to do.
In our day to day life we do goof up in the sense we do pull a muscle here and there. Bad posture can lead to bad back. Sitting on the chair staring at the comp for hrs  leads to stiff neck.Our poor school teachers can land up with frozen shoulders due to hundreds of corrections they have to do per day. like this there are many instances where unknowingly we harm ourselves.
Here what comes in handy is the Y pill which is few yoga asanas if done with guidance can bring you some relief . Ah ... Do i see a smile on those lips. We all hate to eat medicines but yoga is a sweet medicine which is done externally. so below are few asanas which can be done if some emergency arises....
1. Backache- setubandhasana or pawanmukthasana or bhujangasana
2.Neck pain-brahma mudra
3. Knee pain- tadasana. vrikshasana
4. Frozen shoulders- Parvatasana, gomukhasana. garudhasana

 These are just few practices one can do in emergency, but taking the Y pill on regular basis ( like a multivitamin) will give you a healthy mind and body.

Saturday, January 15, 2011


Oh how we all want to get rid of that extra flab below our navel. we try try try hoping to succeed. God knows how desperately we want a flat tummy . we love to wear tight dresses but the sight of that fat sticking out is such a put off.. Flat tummy is not impossible but its a huge task and one needs to devote couple of HRS working out. With our routine lives we should be thankful to be able to devote 1 hr for the workout.
So lets be realistic, never mind about having a flat belly lets work on toning the flab which is hanging and looks ugly.
Not gonna get into the depth of boring the readers but few yoga postures can work wonders for paunchy, BUT done on regular basis it will show results. Come on nothing comes free now , effort needs to be put in..
So here we go... asanas like naukasana, ardha naukasana, ardha halasana with variations and hastapadasana will help in toning the "paunch" but one has maintain the postures for min 30 sec and do it repeatedly.
After doing the asanas one should do pawanmukhtasana to relax the lower back.
Naukasana ( The Boat Pose)

So folks good luck in fighting that wretched paunch... ciao..

Monday, January 10, 2011

We all are doing yoga unconsciously........

Yes my dear friends we all are doing yoga all the time unconsciously . Hmmm i might sound bookish now but what the heck we all get our knowledge from books and from our experiences and they are never enough. 
like i was saying we all are doing yoga all the time; you must be asking how ???
well we all are breathing right!! So you all are taking the first baby step to yoga, Your Own Great Awareness.
When we yawn, our bodies are doing yoga involuntarily. An unconscious impulse arising from oxygen-hunger triggers a stretching in the mouth and breathing system. our brains get fresh oxygen rich blood as a result we get more clarity in our thought process.
Along side you are also doing facial yoga( movement of the jaw, stretching the facial muscles). So here its a package ek ke saath doosra free free free....

our basic need is oxygen and that is the fuel to our body. we can stay without water for sometime or even food, but not without OXYGEN. Every cell in our body demands oxygen specially our brain.
Yogis speak of "Prana,"  which means Oxygen.
So my lovely readers without further boring you i will end the topic here but will remind you again that you all are taking baby steps , so how about slowly walking of course with guidance.And yes here its also a package deal for eg. one yoga posture comes with multiple benefits. Come on try get up give it a try and there is also a treat in the end .... which is.......RELAXATION. OH boy.... i am all smiles... are you???

Saturday, January 8, 2011

The journey into yoga.....

Being a total gym freak i never thought yoga will ever be my profession. well all this happened by fluke.landed up with a total bad back due to  gymming and thanks to my darling mom who pushed me into yoga to strengthen my back. well and from then it was never turning back ( at-least not to the gym). 
I must say  someone is there sent by god to direct you in some way, in my case it was my mom.
Under the guidance of my teachers( Dr. Renu and Sujata) i have become a teacher, and today i enjoy this form of exercise thoroughly. Though i must admit it was really boring in the beginning , but eventually my body started loving it. 
Drawbacks of becoming a teacher.. hmm one major thing for me ...GETTING UP EARLY... yes i am  not a morning person but god made sure i become one now :) . well no complaints actually , its the initial push then one loves it.
So all you late risers pls come and give me company. and i am sure we all will have a great time twisting lengthening and stretching.. :)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

we all deserve relaxation!!!!

The title says it all... end of the week .. and some form of relaxation is def required , well like i say after a long week we have earned it or more likely earned. so head for the long deserve massage, or curl up in bed with hot chocolate and a book or some soothing music or with someone you love... HHHUUGGGGGGG, best remedy for everything.