Saturday, February 25, 2012

To eat or not to eat is the question - does eating 5 meals a day harm your fat loss?

The science behind Intermittent Fasting.

Hey y'all beautiful people out there! I know I have been away for a very long time.
Actually I have been researching the most discussed topic these days "Intermittent Fasting". 

My express intention behind these conversations is to bring on to your plate different scientific evidences about variety of different ways that you guys can be successful in your nutrition pursuits.

What is Intermittent Fasting?

The most accurate definition is the simplest one : IF is merely the alternation of intervals of not eating (fasting) with times where you are allowed to eat. 

Or , you alternate a fasting period with a feeding window. How long will each be depends on the type of "IF" program you choose.  The fasting period on specific plans can range from 16 hours all the way upto 36 hours ( with several stops in between) and each of those program will have specific benefits.

THE MOST IMPORTANT MEAL OF THE DAY ? IF science challenges the legendary Breakfast

Don't we need breakfast ? 

For ages, we have been told that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. In fact, we are even scolded by our doctors, teachers and mothers for skipping breakfast and particularly people who are trying to lose weight.

Intermittent fasting science says no-no.... much to the astonishment for all the dietary advice coming from every authority from registered dietitians to MD's.

Of course the crux of breakfast study is that a larger breakfast leads to a lower caloric intake.  Supporters of 
breakfast declare that as insulin sensitivity is higher in the mornings eating a carbohydrate rich breakfast is going to have the greatest balance of taking in large amount of energy without the danger of weight gain.

This brings us back to 'IF ' you see insulin sensitivity isn't higher in the morning it is higher after 8-10 hour of fasting periods you experience if you sleep. Or more specifically , insulin sensitivity is higher when glycogen levels are depleted; as liver glycogen will be somewhat depleted from your sleeping fast.

Intermittent fasting takes that a step further : it seems that extending the fasting period beyond that 8-10 hours by skipping breakfast (and therefore depleting glycogen) will increase insulin even further.

Insulin sensitivity is also increased post exercise ( due to further glycogen depletion in addition to other mechanisms) , and so in many cases F proponents suggest compounding benefits by training in a fasted state and then having a carbohydrate right meal immediate post workout.

so ultimately , this all means that there is nothing special about breakfast and no need to eat first thing in the morning - any first meal you eat to break your fast will be exposed to the benefits of increased insulin sensitivity.

The most important thing to remember is that Intermittent Fasting isn't a diet ..its a way of eating. A nutritional lifestyle that will allow each one of you to reach your goals in an effective and convenient manner, and the hold on to your physique to achieve them.

While IF isn't for everyone , nor is it a perfect plan, its certainly an effective way to lose weight.

In addition to the hormonal benefits inherent in the practice, you'll also feel more satisfied with your food, feel hungry less often, and probably save some money on food.

Moreover , you may live longer....if, you know, you're into that.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

My new year treat - a trick to flatten your stomach while driving....

A very happy new year to all you beautiful people out there... and thank you all so much for the loving birthday wishes , I had an amazingly colorful birthday weekend.

I hope you all had an amazing new year's eve know i couldn't help but notice how Christmas and new year parties are sessions of sporting  abs ... its almost like a competition " whose abs are flatter ? yours or mine ( i am talking of those stolen glances at each others tummies ) poor tummies...

Anyways I am gonna treat you all to a tip on how to work on flattening your abs ... especially useful to voracious drivers like me , we waste so much time driving but one can put it to real good use by doing these exercises without getting distracted...

 this is a unique trick... it's basically a simple exercise that you can do anytime, anywhere to help get a flat stomach over time.

Mind you, this exercise does NOT increase fat burning, but it CAN help to flatten your stomach by strengthening your deeper transversus abdominis muscles and hence "pulling in" a lazy stomach (aka beer belly or "pooch belly").

It involves doing an exercise called "ab vacuums".

I find it a good time to get in the habit of doing daily ab vacuums while driving on your daily commute or another time that would get you in the habit of doing them regularly.
(please make sure this doesn't distract you from driving safely... I find that it doesn't distract me at's certainly much safer than driving while on the cell phone! a big wink here)
Of course, ab vacuums can be done anywhere and don't have to be just for driving, but I've found that it helps me to remember to do them if I do them at a specific time when driving regularly.... this could be while driving home from the yoga class every time, or perhaps during your daily commute to work.

Ab vacuums are simple:
You can do ab vacuums pretty much anywhere, at any time.
You can do them standing, seated (such as in a car), kneeling in a four-point position, or even lying flat on the floor.
The movement is as simple as pulling your belly button in as far as you can by imagining you're trying to touch your belly button to your spine and holding for 10-20 seconds at a time.
Start by inhaling deeply. Then, as you exhale, start pulling the belly button in towards the spine and hold it there for 10-20 seconds while just taking short breaths. Repeat for several holds.
Get in the habit of doing this at least 4-5 days per week while driving somewhere and you may find that this helps to flatten your stomach more by strengthening the transversus abdominis muscle (the deep abdominal muscles beneath the rectus abdominis) if you previously had a "lazy belly".
Like I said, this exercise doesn't increase fat burning... it only helps to flatten a round stomach that has lazy deep ab muscles.

If you want a true "six pack abs" appearance, you obviously still need to burn off the body fat that covers your abs (also refer to my earlier blog post on abs)... and that calls for a fully encompassing yoga plus workout program (not just ab exercises), a strategic nutrition program, and the right mindset for success.

So long people ...till my next post ...
Don't be lazy , Be lean ....
And once again, have yourselves a great new year...

